Men’s Health

Invert Health For Men

Personalized Precision Health Care for Men. Feel better. Look better. Live better.

Our Mission

Optimize a man’s ability to SERVE. Perform at your peak. Maximize your impact.


A Different Approach to Comprehensive Men’s Health.

Most men’s health clinics are about the P’s: pellets, pills, and patients. They treat numbers, not individuals. They fail to provide personalized care that results in lasting change or, worse, results in negative physiologic downstream effects.


A man’s body is complex. Solving for one objective requires both a broad and targeted understanding of biology and physiology as well as social and behavioral variables that influence those outcomes. This is where Invert is different. Our evaluation and treatment is comprehensive

A Brotherhood

Invert is more than a clinic. We are a brotherhood. We are aligned by service: to our faith, families, health, fitness, nutrition, and community.


It is time to start LIVING. Invert Health For Men will provide the education, tools, and support to help you reach your pinnacle of health, vitality, and performance.

What We Treat

Weight Loss & Body Composition

Reduce fat, increase lean muscle, and improve physique

Sexual Health

Erectile Dysfunction treatment and increased libido for a healthy sex life

Performance Optimization

Perform at your peak, maintain your edge.

Peptide Therapy

Expert guidance to fat loss, HGH promotion, healing, and performance

Precision Medicine

Pair with our health optimization platform to address high cholesterol, hypertension, diabetes, and more.

Fitness and Training Recommendations

Personal and group fitness opportunities

Nutrition Recommendations

Food is medicine!

Testosterone Replacement Therapy

Testosterone optimization for increased efficacy

Hormone Optimization

Functional approach to treat the root cause of hormone dysregulation